Delisting: Delisting Treatment process converts hazardous inorganic wastes into non-hazardous delisted residuals. Once your waste is delisted, it is no longer considered RCRA hazardous, eliminating your liabilities as well as minimizing other long-term risks associated with disposal.
Hazardous Waste Landfill: Some waste streams cannot be treated and must go to a hazardous waste landfill.
Solid and Liquid Treatment:
Wastewater Treatment: Utilizing combination of physical, biological, and chemical processes meet regulated levels for discharge.
Thermal Desorption: The technology produces "clean" residuals while maximizing the recovery of metal and oil values contained in the wastes. This solution addresses a variety of waste streams, including oil-contaminated drill cuttings, refinery waste, petrochemical wastes, hydrocarbon contaminated soils, spent catalyst and other petroleum compatible residuals.
Fuels Blending: Liquids, sludges and solids with even a low heat value or BTU content can be blended to meet specific requirements for fuels conversion in cement kilns.
Incineration/Thermal Treatment: Reduce the solid mass of the original waste by 80-85% significantly reducing volume for disposal.